4 Organizing Tips to Prepare for Back To School 2022

It’s almost been a month since my kids started school, and it’s been an adjustment. I can’t believe I have three kids at various stages of life. Does this mean I’m getting old? No worries, I’ll continue to age gracefully. Before the kids were heading off to school, I did a lot of preparation to ensure that my family and I would be off to a great start. 

Create a Weekly Routine 

Believe it or not, kids thrive on routines; they need consistency! We have a strict wake-up and bedtime; I understand things may require flexibility, but ensuring enough sleep is vital.

Write everything down, and know who works late, which child has practice, and on what day. Keep your emergency contacts in the loop if they need to step in.

This includes a wine down or bedtime routine; after completing homework, dinner, and bathtime, I have my children place their backpacks by the front door. It makes getting out the door more manageable because we know everything is in it. It’s also helpful if your child packs lunch to do it the night before; grab an ice pack out of the freezer, and they are ready to go.

Parent Hack: Have multiple copies of your children’s school calendar to prepare for school closures. 

Meal Planning

I have a large family, and getting food on the table needs to be quick. Our days are long, and I’m usually unable to get dinner on the table until 7:00 pm, but knowing what I’m going to cook is vital. I enjoy involving the kids in this process - it helps to ensure everyone gets the meal they want. 

If portions of the meal can be prepped in advance - do it! I like to wash and season my meat a day ahead if I’m already in the kitchen. It becomes one less thing to do.

Crockpot meals are a lifesaver; turn it on and forget about it!

Plan A Month Ahead

It’s so easy to get caught off guard by family activities. I like to check my calendar and confirm the month's events, including birthday parties, local attractions, and planned family vacations. 

When you’re prepared, it helps to reduce your stress level because you know what to expect.

I keep this monthly calendar attached to our fridge with dry-erase markers and a holder.

Create a School Workstation

I was determined to be organized with school supplies this year. In the past, I purchased school supplies and only 2-3 extras that would often end up mixed in with the regular supplies, and by Christmas break, I needed to shop again.

This year I purchased extras, but I also implemented an organizing system. I found this storage solution by The Home Edit, which worked perfectly. I could unbox supplies and have a visual inventory of what’s available. The kids have to check out a tray and return it once they complete their homework or project if needed. 

I also used these bins with inserts for crayon organization. I enjoyed seeing the crayons in sections by color, which helped my toddler with recognition! 

Having a designated workspace is also very helpful and doesn’t have to take much. A small desk/workstation, lamp, and supplies are needed to complete their assignment.

I hope you have found these tips helpful! Happy 2022-2023 school year!