How to Get Your Employees Excited For an Upcoming Office Event


Image by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Working in an office can be a great experience, but it is also necessary to have some fun. When you are working hard on your computer all day, it is easy to forget other people around you. That's why this blog shares some ways that will help get your employees excited for the next office event!

Host a Pre-Event Planning Meeting

A pre-event planning meeting is an opportunity for the different departments to come together and decide what they would like to see at the upcoming event. In addition, these meetings will help with logistics so that you don't have many bored at the event. If you are at a loss, learn more here

Ask for Employee Input

They are also great because it gives employees a chance to brainstorm, and you might get some great ideas that way. It's always good to ask your employees about their thoughts on upcoming office events because they can give you some great ideas! It's also a good idea to ask people for input because it will help you get organized and be prepared.

Share the Plans Beforehand

If you are planning an event, everyone should know about it. Share the plans beforehand on social media or internally with an email to give your employees a chance to ask questions in advance and not feel like you sidelined them on a big event.

Since it can be overwhelming to take on the task by yourself if you are planning an event, please make a list of all your tasks and delegate them amongst teams so that everyone feels involved. Therefore, make sure that your employees know about upcoming events by dropping a note at their desks

Include Fun Games or Competitions

Competitions are always exciting, and they make the event more personal, so include them at your next office event. They could involve getting dressed up in costumes or even competing in a race to the top of your building.

Another way to create excitement for an upcoming event is to have little competitions or prizes beforehand. For example, if there is a race happening, you can have the winner of that get to choose their prize first.

For example, scavenger hunts are a great activity to have at any gathering - even if it is just among your employees! A scavenger hunt will help get people out of the office and help with team building.

Include Food or Refreshments

Events are more fun when there is something good to eat! Plan out what kind of food will be available beforehand and make sure there's enough for everyone. Particular types of food like sweets might not appeal to everyone, so it's crucial to choose a few different options.


These are some of the ways that you can get your employees excited to attend an upcoming event. It's important to remember that people work hard and deserve a break. So the next time something is going on, try one of these ideas so that everyone has fun while they're at work.