School's Out

Can you believe it? School is out for the summer and I must say it is truly bittersweet. I work in the education system so on one hand I’m screaming YAY! but I DO work during the summer. Bummer, right? I don't get much of a break but it is nice to not work such long hours. 


So, what do you have planned this summer for your kiddos? Right now, I have nothing major set in stone BUT I do plan to hit the beach as often as possible. That is a big luxury of living so close to the ocean! Nothing compares to listening to the sound of the waves, building sand castles and letting the sun hit your skin (minus the sunburn, of course).


Side note: I received the best gift EVER from one of my students on the last day. It was a super cute cup and card. She told me, “Ms. Natalie, I know how much you love your water and are always losing your cup.” Lol and she is exactly right. I stopped bringing my Yeti cup earlier in the year because I would always leave it. It's always the thought that counts!