Empower Your Kids With These Supportive Tips


As parents, we want our kids to grow up with confidence and resilience, with that 'I can' attitude that will lead them towards success. 

And as parents, we should do what we can to support our kids. If we can empower them to be the best people that they can be, we will have done our jobs, and given them the very best start in life. 

Here are some tips we should all adhere to. 

Affirm your kids every day

We all need affirmation, and our children, with the negative words they sometimes receive from their peers, also need this affirmation in their lives. So, on a daily basis, make sure you offer encouragement to your kids. Praise them for things they do well, remind them how beautiful they are, and let them know their worth. Check out these self-affirmations for kids too, and perhaps pin them up in their bedroom, as they are useful reminders of how great they really are. 

Support your child at school

For most kids, school sucks! This is something we can all relate to, but if you can motivate your children to learn, you will do much to encourage them to succeed in the classroom. So, do what you can to help them. Make sure they do their homework and give them guidance when they get stuck. Download printable activities from the internet, and encourage your kids to have a go at them. Student Treasures have some great examples, and you can find them here. And encourage your kids by going to their award ceremonies, school sports days, and other such events. When you show your kids that you care about their learning, you will empower them to do better. 

Encourage your child's interests

Your child might not have the same interests that you do, but that's okay! The last thing you should do is belittle their interests or turn your kids away from them. If your little girl wants to play soccer instead of dancing, then so be it. And if your boy wants to be the next Billy Elliot and not the next Pele, then fine! Support them in their interests, as this will empower them to follow their dreams. And make sure they have what they need to follow them, as they will have a better chance at succeeding in whatever it is they are doing.

Let your child take risks

You don't want to let your child hurt themselves, of course, but you don't want to wrap them in cotton wool either! So, trust your child to take the occasional risk, be that climbing a tree, swimming a lap alone, or trying a sport they have never attempted before, as examples. Sure, they might fail, and you might need to offer a little bit of TLC, but if they don't try, they will never get to experience success either. So, don't be a helicopter parent and keep your kids on training wheels all their life. Let them go, give them the opportunity to push past their own limits, and let them experience things they have never tried before. You will empower them if you do, as they will develop in self-confidence.

So, think about your kids and what you might do to empower them. Use our suggestions, and do other things to encourage them to be live up to their wonderful potential. 

Thanks for reading.