Affirmations for Kids 👧👦👶
/Self Affirmations for Kids
My daughters mean the WORLD to me. I'm not sure what I would do without them. Despite how much they challenge me. My goal is for them to know they are loved, beautiful, and smart. I want them to know about self-love. I encourage them to ask me questions. No question is off limits (and granted that can get out of hand) but it keeps a healthy and open relationship between us.
After realizing how important affirmations can be I decided to place sticky notes above my daughters' beds and recite them with them every morning. Sometimes, it doesn't happen every morning BUT we I always make sure that before we pull out of the driveway I give them an encouraging word to remind them just how great they are!
Below are my top 20 POSITIVE Affirmations that I share with my daughters. Some are gender neutral so feel free to do this with your son as well. Remember, the goal is to raise confident little humans!
20 Affirmations for Kids
1. I like me.
2. I am beautiful/handsome.
3. I am smart.
4. I can do all things!
5. My body is PERFECT the way it is!
6. I am happy.
7. I am loved.
8. Today WILL be a great day.
9. I CAN listen and learn!
10. I am capable of doing the impossible.
11. I love myself.
12. I forgive myself when I make mistakes.
13. I believe in myself.
14. I am strong.
15. My voice/opinion matters.
16. I respect others even when I don't agree.
17. I am allowed to have feelings.
18. My skin is a beautiful shade of brown. (This is my favorite for Kay!)
19. My hair is perfect straight or curly!
20. I can be anything I want to be IF I put my mind to it.
As a mother of little brown girls, it's important that I teach them how important it is to love themselves. I don't feel I was really taught that growing up. I'm sure my mom said something here and there but it wasn't what I envisioned or give to my daughters now. What I can say is...I'm so grateful that my mom knows how important being it is that I express love to my girls through affectionate behaviors. She has a thing that she does with each of them to remind them just how special they are and I love it.
I guess its true, the things you wished for as a child you parents in turn give it to your children.