So here are my 3 reasons I'm taking maternity photos!
1. I will only pregnant ONCE with this baby.
We've all heard what people say "the first baby gets everything" and omg, it's true. I did everything with my first child. We have to remember each child is special and they deserve their moment. When they look back in the photo books they want to see what you looked like pregnant with them.
2. I'm embracing this new body.
This is baby #3 for me and you can imagine the changes that your body goes through when you're pregnant. Most women shy away from the camera but I want to be in front. I plan to show my belly instead of hiding it. Yep, I have stretch marks and all and I don't mind showing them.
3. I want to!
It's really that simple. I don't have some philosophical speech about why I'm doing it, I just really want to. I'm in a different place in my life and I would love to document it. I was pregnant at 16, 21, and now 27. I am not the same and that should be showcased!
Are you considering it? What's holding you back?.
Don't think you can afford it? We all know someone who takes good photos or wants to be an photographer. Be their muse and worst case senerio you'll still have a cute pic.