10 Things to Remember - Love, Life, and Relationships

Have you ever felt really…meh? Like you weren’t sure where you were going on how thing would turn out? Me too!

I do believe that’s just a part of life but I also believe that change can happen but it starts with YOU!

Today, I want to share 10 Things to Remember about love, life, and relationships!

1.     If a person WANTED to – they would.

2.     She is standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much she can take.

3.     A woman wants to be surprised, loved, and doted on.

4.     Let every man be swift to speak, slow to speak and slow to anger.

5.     The little details matter.

6.     Never trust a man/woman who tries to destroy you when he’s/she’s mad.

7.     We repeat what we don’t repair.

8.     Forgiveness is making the conscious decision to live in the present…even if the past still hurts.

9.     Tomorrow is not promised – so love the ones who love you.

10.  Be silly, have fun, be different because you only have one life to live.

One major change I’ve made recently is learning to care for myself. You would think that it’s an easy task, but honestly it’s not. Have you ever heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup?” Well, honey I’ve been trying. Reality set in a few weeks ago for me and my body completely shut down. If you don’t take care of you…who will?