New Year, New Goals - Same Me

I’m still in shock that it’s 2023! Where did the time go? Were we not just eating Thanksgiving dinner; that’s how it always goes. For the last few months, I’ve had time to think about what I want my life to look like in the new year. Last year was decent, but it wasn’t what I wanted it to be.

Sidenote: Isn’t it funny how we have our life all planned out, and God throws us a curveball or two? Yep, He got me together real quick.

2022 taught me PATIENCE and the art of waiting. If you know anything about me, I’m the type just to do it. My body and mental health wouldn’t allow me to react as I usually would, and I’m grateful. I could have found myself regretting a lot of decisions later had I gone with my first mind. 

For 2023, I’ve opted to take a different approach in how I’m approaching life. One of the most significant changes I implemented was planning time with my husband. Creating this dedicated time allowed us to discuss things we could be doing better as a family and what we would like our future to look like. 

Creating a family motto and scripture for the year was at the top of my list. As a blended family, there is an added layer of “stuff” you have to work through. It’s important to us that we find balance in our blending. 

Family First - simple but effective. We have been operating as a family for a few years now, but it has only sometimes been a united front. When you have multiple children in different homes, tension can be created, or things can be taken out of context. Thank goodness those days are (mostly) behind us now. Having a large blended family as we do, it has been crucial that we set an example for the children. We don’t expect them to be affectionate with one another, but we do require that they respect each other and nurture their relationships as they see fit. 

“Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” – Romans 12:9

This verse stuck out to me and spoke to our situation. In a world filled with chaos and evil, I want our family to know that we must hold on to the good, and that’s each other. It has taken me YEARS to understand the importance of family, spending time together, and creating memories. 

Personal Goals

I want to find a way to make fitness and self-care a habit. I realized that I had neglected myself severely, and that had to change. I don’t have a solid plan yet, BUT I have saved recipes and plan to start walking at least 2-3 days a week. 

Business Goals

I have a few things up my sleeve for the business this year. I plan to expand my engagement on all platforms. I want to build my community. I love each of you deeply, but I had to care for myself before finding a way to show up for you all. 

Get ready to see more blog posts and social media shares. I also plan to dabble in video content creation. This year is about trying new things and simply going after everything I want.

Overall, I’m excited about everything 2023 has in store for me!

Tips to Avoid Seasonal Sadness/Seasonal Depression

It’s that time of year when things begin to pick up quickly, and the last few months of the year fly by - hello, September! My kids went back to school last month, and then our family was hit with COVID. It took us on a mini rollercoaster, and I’m still not sure I’m back to 100%, but that’s life. 

As a person who battles depression, I understand how seasonal sadness and depression can sneak up on people. According to the Mayo Clinic, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can happen with the change of seasons. For most people, it begins in the fall, continues throughout the winter months, and typically resolves in the spring or early summer. 

Common symptoms of SAD

  • Oversleeping

  • Loss of interest in daily activities

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Low energy 

  • Weight gain

  • Change in appetite (craving more comfort foods)

These days, my goal is to focus on the positive and manage what I can, including prioritizing my mental health. I want to share a few tips to help manage or reduce the effects of your seasonal depression this year.

Schedule Joy!

Joy may look different for everyone but think about what works for you. Is it catching up with a friend or enjoying a nice meal alone? Either way - do it! You deserve it. Plan to do this monthly, and feel free to change your activity each month. Here’s what I have planned:

September - Special Date Night

October - Hair Salon Visit

November - Outdoor Movie Night

December - Solo Dinner

Get Active

I know, I know - it’s hard for me too but getting active helps to improve your health and overall well-being. It’s a natural mood booster; I feel better after taking a walk or riding my bike. Whenever I feel extremely stressed or overwhelmed, it’s helpful for me to get some fresh air. I take deep breaths and allow the day's stress to leave my body.

Local Events

One of my favorite things to do this time of year is to visit the local farmers' market, attend a sporting event, or enjoy live shows. Most cities have activities planned during the holiday season, and if not in your town, head to the next one over and see what their community offers. My family and I visit the drive-thru lights every holiday season, and it’s always such a peaceful time to sing Christmas carols and sip on hot chocolate. 

This time of year is always full of excitement but it can be challenging. I use to get really overwhelmed at the thought of buying gifts for my family during Christmas but I implemented a new system to reduce my stress. I set a budget and stick to it!  No matter your struggles I encourage you to make time for yourself, figure out what’s going to make you happy, and start doing it. 

If you notice that your symptoms are getting worse please seek help from a medical professional.

Four Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

Photo by Madison Inouye from Pexels:

I’ve struggled with my mental health for many years and learning how to take better care of myself is key! look after our mental health. Good mental health can help us feel better, be more productive at work and cope with everyday stresses in a more positive way. When we are feeling down and our mental health isn't at its best, things can seem more stressful and difficult. It’s impossible to be at your 100% every day of your life, which is why it's important to pay attention to how you are feeling and implement new strategies when you are feeling down. 

Below we look at four ways to look after your mental health. 

Ask for help 

One of the key ways to help support your mental health is to ask for help when you need it. Never be afraid to turn to your friends or family members when you are feeling down to ask for support. If you are suffering from some trauma, it could be worth speaking to an expert to help your mental wellbeing. Things like rapid resolution therapy are there to help you through traumatic experiences. There are also helplines you can call that operate 24/7. As they say, a problem shared is a problem halved and by simply sharing it with someone else can make a big difference. 

Keep active 

Being active is very important for not only your physical health but also your mental wellbeing. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day and you’ll feel the difference. Moderate exercise can be anything from a brisk walk to swimming or going for a bike ride. If you enjoy sports, why not join a sports team as this can be more motivational. Reach out to your friends and family members as they may join you when you are getting active. 

Remember to take a break 

If you are overworking yourself you will start to feel fatigued and chances are your sleep pattern and diet will not be at its best. All of this will contribute to your mental health slipping. Remember it’s important to take breaks from work and to just relax. Spend time with your family and friends or go away for a week. Forgetting about the hustle and bustle of everyday life and switching off can have a real positive impact on your mental health. 

Maintain a balanced diet

Another area of your life to pay attention to when looking after your mental health is your diet. What you eat can have a big effect on how you are feeling on a day to day basis. Unhealthy food like junk food can make you feel sluggish whereas fruits and salads can help you feel more energised. Try to eat the recommended five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day and if you can reduce your alcohol intake. 

What do you do to look after your mental health? Are there any points you would like to add to the above list? Have you tried to make any changes to your daily routine recently that you think would benefit our readers? Let us know in the comment box below.