Happy Birthday, Mom

There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to RISE!


Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10 (KJV)

Meet Sheila - my mom, she is everything you think about when it comes to a "mom." She isn't the bake cookies and volunteers in your classroom type of mom. She is the "I'll tell you when you're wrong" and I'll pray you through kind of mom.  I have always admired my mom's strength. She's a survivor and I'm blessed to have her.

Have you ever met someone with a sweet spirit? Someone who will give their last just to see you smile? That's my mom! She's patient, kind and a little shy. She wonders where I get my personality from but I know I'm just like her! (just an amped up version)



Thank you for teaching me what its like to be a mom. Thank you for teaching me that I can do anything I put my mind to. (That's why I think I'm invincible!)  Thank you for loving me when I didn't know how to love myself. Thank you for allowing me to be broken (and helping me pick up the pieces). Thank you for helping me navigate single motherhood. More importantly, thank you for NEVER giving up on me.

I love you. 




Love YOURSELF first and everything else will fall in place.

For so long, I felt like I wasn't good enough and that I never would be because I was 16 and pregnant. Of course, it was not the ideal situation and Lord knows that's not what I wanted for myself but it happened.

 After having my oldest daughter everyone felt it was their business to tell me that my life was over. I was told that I would never find a husband and the comments really came once I had my second child. No one will want a single mom with two kids!

I believed the lies for many years. I allowed other people's thoughts to become my own and all that did was destroy me. I filled my mind with so much self-hate. I didn't know how to accept myself or how to truly love who I was.

Having a child DID change me but it was for the better. Surprisingly, I can't imagine my life without Kay. She's everything I could have ever hoped for. She makes me proud to be her mom.

No matter what anyone tells you...you ARE worthy! You are ENOUGH! 


Mother's Day is coming...

Mother's Day is quickly approaching and this year is a huge one for my mom. My mother will be turning 60! Turn up, Mama! 
In honor of Mother's Day, for the next few weeks, I will be interviewing mothers that I'm in awe of! I can't wait to share these fabulous women with you so stay tuned and remember Mother's Day is May 13! Don't forget about your mother! 

Easter Weekend

Is 2018 flying by or is it just me? Easter came without warning! I was not ready but I had a great time. There's something about spending time with family and friends that makes me happy. Just wanted to share some Spring vibes with you guys! I am still recouping and it's Spring Break for my kiddos.

How was your Easter?  

Maddy and Kay 

Maddy and Kay 

And did you see that New York and Company feautured my look! Still stoked!!! 

And did you see that New York and Company feautured my look! Still stoked!!! 
