Teen Pregnancy Prevention Event

Recently, I had an epiphany. It was like the light bulb just went off in my head and things finally started to click again. While planning content for each month, I like to have a theme and it felt like I had no clue what to talk about for May besides Mother's Day. 

And boom...just like that, I was invited to an event that brought everything full circle. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending a Wine and Oyster Night for the SC Teen Pregnancy Prevention Agency. After having my oldest daughter, I always said I wanted to make sure other young girls were more cautious and informed than I was. This event lit a fire in me and gave me the motivation I needed to get back on track with my mission. Check out the photos from the event!   

I was so nervous...if you know me you know I don't do crowds! I'm very shy but I realized that without stepping outside of my comfort zone I would not be able to take myself to the next level. I put on my big girl panties and showed up! Everyone there was friendly and the food was great! So it wasn't so bad after all. 

Fun Fact: Teen pregnancy has been on the decline in South Carolina since 1991!!!

I'm truly blessed to experience what life has waiting for me. Remember life happens when YOU do!

Special Thanks to my little sissy Brittnay, (sister by choice) for attending with me. When God places special people in your life treat them well. Brittany was there for me EVERY step of the way during my pregnancy and I'm truly gratful! 

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

Did you know that May isTeen Pregnancy Prevention Month? I didn't either, and I'm a little embarrassed to admit that. One goal in starting my blog was to reach teens and help prevent them from becoming a teen parent, like myself. 

Parents, are you having "The Talk" with your kids? What are you saying to them? How are you starting the conversation? 

Know The Facts:

3 in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant before the age of 20

More than 50% of teen moms never graduate from high school

Less than 2% earn a college degree before the age of 30

25% of teen moms have their 2nd child within 24 months of their 1st

8 out of 10 teen dads won't marry the  mother of their child


[Facts provided by dosomething.org] 


Mother's Day Interview: Mrs. Tricia

Mrs. Tricia is DOPE! I love her energy and realness. She is a Clinical-Community Psychologist with a passion for the youth, especially young women. I was honored that she agreed to let me interview her for my little blog.

Love ya, Mrs. Tricia!



1.    How many children do you have? 

           I have 3 boys: Ashton, Jamon, and Jalen. 

2.     Was your first child planned and how did you feel about becoming a mother?

     Yes, my husband and I were very excited. 

3.    What does being a mom mean to you?

 Well, I'm not sure what you mean but I'll answer the best I can. I love motherhood, I love the good, bad, and ugly. Most people say that they can't wait for their children to get older but not me. I've enjoyed every stage of being a mom.

What I love now is that my children are older and I get to ask them questions. It's true what they say that the roles begin to reverse as you get older.

4.   The biggest challenge in raising children? 

  I think I struggled most with finding balance. Being a working mom and trying to attend events for my children, being a wife and still having time for myself.

5.    Do you believe a mom can have it all?

I don't care for the "having it all" notion. [That's a young people term.] I believe that having it all is up to you. How do you define it? A mom can have it all by being at home with her children. However, that was not the life I wanted. 

6.    What is your greatest accomplishment?

Getting my Ph.D. was huge for me but I think I'm most proud of the mentoring I do with young women.

7.    Do you have a quote that you live by?

Life Motto:

While I often fail, my intention is to live each day with authenticity…centering my thoughts and actions on things of the spirit.

…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

Philippians 4:8 NIV

8.    What advice would you give to a new mom?

The best advice I can give to a new mother is to build relationships with other new moms. You're all figuring it out together so the judgment will be less. Your children will/can grow up together and then you may end up having lifelong friends.